Seeking Compensation for Mis-Sold Pensions and Investments with Innovation Contracting

In recent years, the mis-selling of financial products has emerged as a major concern affecting many individuals' financial well-being.  Two prevalent areas of concern are mis-sold pensions and mis-sold investments. Both have left many people facing unexpected financial losses and a compromised future.  However, with the aid of Innovative Contracting, victims of mis-selling can pursue compensation claims on a no win no fee basis, giving them hope of financial recovery.

Mis-Sold Pensions

A pension is a crucial financial tool that individuals invest in to secure their retirement years.  Unfortunately, not all pension products are created equal and mis-selling can occur when financial advisors or institutions promote unsuitable or inadequate pension schemes to their clients.  Mis-selling of pensions can take various forms including but not limited to, providing inaccurate or misleading information about the potential returns, not disclosing hidden charges, or recommending a pension product that does not align with the individual's risk profile or retirement goals.

The consequences of mis-sold pensions can be devastating. Individuals may find their pension funds do not provide sufficient for a comfortable retirement or, even more seriously, the pension may be totally lost due to the collapse of unsuitable investments.

Mis-Sold Investments

Mis-sold investments are another area that has impacted the financial lives of many. Investments are meant to grow one's wealth, but when mis-selling occurs individuals may find they have invested in unsuitable or high-risk schemes without a full understanding of the potential downside.

Mis-selling of investments often involves false promises of high returns and/or a misrepresentation as to the risks being taken.  These deceptive practices leave individuals exposed to financial losses, shattered dreams, and a sense of betrayal. 

Seeking Compensation
The Role of Innovation Contracting in Compensation Claims

Although it is possible to submit your own compensation claim free of charge to the Financial Ombudsman Service or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (whichever is appropriate), many people feel they do not have the expertise, experience, time or even confidence to do so.  Restoring financial injustice takes skill, which is why all claims investigated by Innovation Contracting are overseen and submitted by experts in their field.  That way, our customers know their claim is in the very safest hands - and that the advice and support they receive is of the highest quality.

Our Approach

Investments are more often ‘sold’ than ‘bought’ and so most investors have been advised to take a particular course of action. Some investors are recommended investments and pension plans by Independent Financial Advisers, whilst many are sold investments and pensions by tied agents, bank counter staff, building society managers etc. These investments can take many forms (Bonds, ISAs, Pensions, SIPPS, Annuities etc) and can be quite complicated. Our aim is to make a complex situation easy to understand and, if any failings occurred in the advice received, we will make a claim for compensation for you.

Initially we will chat with you about your background, the advice you received, the product you invested in and the adviser who gave you advice. 

If we both agree that there is the potential for a valid claim, we will then ask you, your adviser and any relevant third parties to provide us with copies of any documents you or they hold relating to the financial advice you were given. This documentation may include details of your personal circumstances as recorded on the adviser’s records, copies of the ‘suitability letters’ sent to you, details of any risk warnings given, key features documentation relating to the recommended investment etc. We carefully track and chase responses to each request to ensure we can appraise the situation as quickly as possible and gauge the likely success of a claim. In particular we will work in accordance with all relevant statutory time limits.

Once we have received the responses, we will conduct a detailed appraisal to assess the merits of your complaint and consider any breaches by the adviser of the regulations appropriate to the sale and promotion of the pension or investment and if any misrepresentations were made to you. If we think you have the basis of a valid claim, we will then decide the most appropriate course of action which may include making a claim via the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) or (if the advising firm is insolvent) the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

How much does it cost to successfully recover your lost pension fund or investment monies?


We offer a 'No win, No fee*' service in that we only charge you a fee if your claim is successful - our 'Success Fee'.  We will never ask you for any money upfront to start your claim and we will not ask you to pay anything until we have been successful with your case - it doesn't matter how complex your case or how long it takes.

The Success Fee is calculated as a percentage of the redress we win for you and is as follows:

Redress awarded for a claim
1 – 1,499
1,500- 9,999
10,000 – 24,999
25,000 – 49,999
50,000 and above
Success Fee (+ VAT)
Maximum total Success Fee (+ VAT)

* If you cancel your claim after our 14 day cooling off period, a cancellation fee may be payable.  Please see our Terms and Conditions  for full details of our fee structure.

How can I make a mis-sold claim?

The first step is to simply fill out the online contact form………

We will contact you directly to determine your best route forward to recover your lost pension fund or investment monies. We will assist you in completing relevant paperwork, necessary to obtain the detail required to determine the validity of your claim. Rest assured we will carry out all the activities required. We will complete all the due diligence necessary to formulate your compensation claim, keeping you advised of progress.

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